English translation for "jia jia"
- 夹夹
贾加 者 贾佳
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Mcmug mcdull , an an jia jia , john woo chow yun - fat . . . they all are best combinations 麦唛和麦兜,安安和佳佳,吴宇森和周润发全都是最佳的组合。 | | 2. | Meet the lovely giant pandas , an an and jia jia at ocean park ! did you know giant pandas in the wild are highly endangered animals 大熊猫是濒危绝种动物,也是中国的国宝,一家同游,可加深对大自然生态及动物保育的认识。 | | 3. | Ocean park , a paradise of all entertainments , has everything that you would expect to find , from exciting thrill - rides to educational programmes . you can find the panda garden where the two pandas an an and jia jia live and the cable car system from which you can see the south china sea . visitors will also be thrilled by exciting games such as the dragon and the abyss turbo drop 海洋公园的游乐设施极多元化,由紧张刺激的机动游戏至极具教育意义的知性观光项目,应有尽有,其中包括两头国宝熊猫的居所大熊猫园、俯瞰南中国海景色的吊车系统、令人脉搏奔腾的疯狂过山车和极速之旅、缤纷有趣的儿童王国、展示昆虫生态的蝴蝶屋,以及全球第二长的户外扶手电梯等。 |
- Similar Words:
- "jia hong-ti" English translation, "jia hongtu" English translation, "jia hua" English translation, "jia huanghou" English translation, "jia ji" English translation, "jia jiao" English translation, "jia jie" English translation, "jia jin" English translation, "jia jiumin" English translation, "jia ju" English translation